The Key to Changing Your Reality: Start with Perception, Not Thoughts

My Journey with Self-Help and Affirmations

You've likely heard it before—your mindset matters. You become what you think about. But what if I told you that while this sounds great in theory, there’s a more sophisticated approach that goes beyond what's promoted in popular culture? An approach that dives deeper than just your thoughts and instead focuses on how you perceive the world around you.

In my twenties, I immersed myself in the world of self-help. I devoured books like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The Power of Positive Thinking. I even watched The Secret on repeat. My husband and I became successful by setting goals, creating five-year plans, and using positive affirmations to rewire our thoughts. I had vision boards and a list of goals with deadlines, and I even sang songs about money to reshape my relationship with abundance! It was a fun time of exploration and discovering the power of manifestation. 🌈

At the time, I realised how important my thoughts were, and because I’m naturally optimistic, maintaining a positive mindset was mostly easy. With my insights from the Modern Mystery School, I understand that thoughts truly shape our reality. But here’s the thing—I want to challenge the idea that you can entirely change your thoughts and life through positive affirmations and gratitude journals alone. It works… but only to a point. ✋

The Problem with Positive Thinking Alone

What if I told you there’s a smarter way to improve your mindset?

Imagine a pond for a moment. Day after day, leaves are blown on top of the surface, and keeping the pond tidy is your job.👌

And so trying to change your thoughts is like sweeping leaves off the water's surface without addressing the wind blowing them in. You’ll keep cleaning the surface, but until you address the root cause, the problem persists.

Every piece of information we perceive goes through a cycle of processes before it becomes a thought. The real question is: What if you could change how you interpret information—before it even becomes a thought?

And the answer is, yes, you can! 👏

At the point of perception, your physical and spiritual senses determine whether the information is good or bad. The information flows through different stages, eventually becoming a thought. By the time it reaches this stage, it’s much harder to change. Yet, popular culture is focused on this surface-level change—like sweeping leaves from the pond. But what about the wind?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to heal the way you perceive from the start?

The Perception Process

In the Empower Thyself Class, you learn how this process cycle works and how it affects the way you process information positively. One fundamental way to do this is by expanding and refining your 10 senses.

You are not just a physical being but a spiritual, eternal being temporarily here on Earth. You have many ways to perceive and interpret information. Imagine for a moment that you are in a forest. You physically sense the temperature of the air on your skin; you smell the trees and hear the birds calling to each other. Spiritually, you're also sensing energy and information. The moment this information hits your senses, you begin to process it.

If your senses are shut down, underdeveloped, or clouded, the information you receive will be limited. However, if your senses are open, refined, and vital, the information will be higher quality. And so the more heightened your senses, the better your ability to create high-quality thoughts.

From the moment of perception, the information moves on to the feeling stage of the cycle of processes, giving us another opportunity to refine and nurture the incoming data before it crystallises into thought.

Remember, thoughts matter as they shape our reality. So, it makes good sense to elevate our position before the information arrives at the thought stage of the cycle. Do you agree?

The Mystery School Perspective

The Lineage of King Salomon is a hermetic lineage, meaning it follows the principles of hermetic law. These laws are universal and apply to everything. The first hermetic law, the Law of Mentalism, states that all is governed by mind. It is a profound teaching that has been understood by ancient traditions for thousands of years.

In modern times, the importance of thought quality has become popular, yet often in a diluted form. Mainstream approaches focus on quick fixes—affirmations, visualisations, and instant results. However, as someone who once sought immediate success, I know that these methods only skim the surface. 🍂

To truly shift your reality, you must begin at the source—how you perceive the world around you. The Modern Mystery School provides the ancient teachings and technologies for this transformation. In the Empower Thyself Class, you’ll learn the Cycle of Human Processes and how to refine your senses and feelings. With heightened perception and healed emotions, you can process information at a higher vibrational level, making it easier to shift your thoughts and, in turn, your reality.

My Transformation Through Ancient Technology: From Overthinking to Clarity

Recently, someone asked me, "What has been the biggest change for you since becoming an Initiate?" Without hesitation, I answered: The quality of my relationships has improved immensely. The reason? I’ve become clear about who I am, my worth, and my power. The thoughts that once cluttered my mind have shifted, leaving space for genuine compassion, authenticity, and joy.

One of the most significant changes has been in the quality of my thoughts. Before, I often found myself stuck in cycles of overthinking—constantly replaying scenarios or worrying about things that didn’t matter. It wasn’t just the amount of thinking but the lack of clarity in my thoughts. I realised that many of them were either unproductive or even draining. 😵‍💫

Since working with the ancient technology of the Lineage of King Salomon, I've freed myself from that constant mental noise. Now, I don’t just think less—I think better. My thoughts are more focused, purposeful, and aligned with who I truly am. I can sense when a thought serves me and when it doesn’t, and this shift has given me room for more inspiring and impactful thinking.

This clarity has profoundly impacted my relationships, making me a better listener and less prone to assumptions. It’s also helped me accomplish more in my day-to-day life, as I no longer waste energy on unnecessary thoughts like telling myself how tired I am.

In short, I have more mental space, and the thoughts I do have are of higher quality, helping me lead a more inspired and intentional life.

Taking the Next Step

Beyond improving perception, you’re also given powerful rituals and exercises to open and develop your senses. This is an authentic human experience—it’s not something you can will into being.

When you’re ready for the next level, Healers Academy, a five-day Modern Mystery School class and second-step initiation, will profoundly expand your senses and awareness. This training offers profound healing and unlocks a greater capacity to perceive the world around you.

Call to Action:

Ready to improve the quality of your thoughts? Discover how ancient teachings can help you break free from overthinking and create mental clarity. Join me for the Empower Thyself Class to start your journey… or email to book a Chemistry Call:


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