The Sacred Growth of Self; A Spiritual Path to Enlightenment

The Sacred Growth of Self; A Spiritual Path to Enlightenment

Im sure you’ve realised by now that life is more than meets the eye… There is a higher intelligence that is difficult to define, yet we know it exists just as we know WIFI exists.

For me, I became aware of this intelligence during my runs out in nature.

Euphoria would flow in and I became alive with inspired thoughts and realisations… it was a beautiful state of being that uplifted me and drove my life forward.

(Later I would learn that this was a form of meditation. Pretty cool, hey?)

But I am not the only one waking up…

Many people are waking up to this intelligence and learning how to embody this in their everyday lives.

Yes! More than just being ´aware´, people are bridging spirituality and physicality day-to-day bringing incredible empowerment and mastery to their physical lives! 

Now, I know… Yoga is good, Meditation is good… all good ways to bridge the gap. But what I am referring to goes a lot deeper.  

There exists a spiritual path that accelerates you forward beyond your wildest dreams. It is an ancient path which Jesus Christ is said to have walked…. And no, it is not religion!

A true path is UNIVERSAL. Meaning that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.

No matter where or when you were born. What gender or intelligence. It draws no line that separates or hates. You can do one thing or all things… the choice is yours.

It empowers you to live as God, the true Adom Kadmon. It will give you true joy and freedom by connecting your divine beauty.

And if you choose, it will give you life mastery as you interact with life as a true master creator.

This ancient Path of Progression is universal. It is for EVERYONE.


  • The Path of Progression in the Lineage of King Salomon with Modern Mystery School is a spiritual path to Know Thyself (otherwise known as enlightenment).

It is the sacred growth (progression) of self (you as a fully actualised person - Adam Kadmon).

What I love about this path is that it is clear and practical and it WORKS!


  • The Path of Progression is structured and gives you ´checkpoints´ to cross.  

These checkpoints are like accelerators. They accelerate your healing and understanding of Know Thyself… the key to enlightenment.

These checkpoints also provide you with the necessary teachings and ´keys´ to progress you to the next level, to the next checkpoint.

The whole purpose of this is to edge you closer to Life Mastery; To create the life you want, a life of abundance, joy, love and freedom. To do this, the complete embodiment of who you truly are is paramount; the 100% embodiment of your spiritual essence.

Of course, through Modern Mystery School, the path teaches and gives you the tools to do this, and this is what accelerates your sacred growth.

Above that, it connects you to and reminds you of who you are.

And when you are living (thinking, speaking and acting) from this truth, magick happens and your life pivots towards your true desires and wants.

Pretty cool, hey?!

What if I already know who I am?

Of course! 

Yet, even the masters work at perfecting Know Thyself.

Y´know, since I stepped on the path everything I ´thought´ I knew did a 360! (for the better)

Although, some things about me remained the same…

  • Like, I still loved the people in my life, and they loved me. What changed was the depth to which I loved… it grew deeper!  

  • I still love to go shopping. What changed was my shopping refined and I bought less, and what I did buy was higher quality and more suited to what I needed.

  • I still love to socialise, yet the way I socialised improved and I had more fun! I laughed more and was energised with fewer outings.

As I understand my purpose more clearly I gain clarity, which makes me effective at making decisions and not taking BS… I think they call that ´setting firmer boundaries´. Lol

My senses and intuition developed, which saves me a lot of time actually (it's handy knowing if things are going to work out or not!). This element also allows me to connect to people in meaningful ways.

Also, I truly love and honour myself, which isn’t easy for an Aussie to admit… I mention it because too many people treat themselves badly with negative self-talk and judgment. Truly loving myself has improved the way others treat me, and the way I treat myself. 

Life truly has evolved for me since I started this path. By bridging spirituality and physicality my life has become better.

I love deeper.

I am more effective and manifest quicker.

My life is full of beauty.

Where do I start?

The Lineage of King Salomon offers the Path of Progression in this way:

  1. Life Activation

    A 90-minute private appointment that activates your divine blueprint (your spiritual DNA). This connects you to the truth.

  2. Empower Thyself

    A 2-day foundational metaphysics class with your 1st Adept Initiation, giving you 10 times more spiritual power. 

  3. Healers Academy

    Your second Initiation with another 10X power! A 5-day academy where you qualify as a Life Activation Practitioner and learn the very important key to enlightenment: SERVICE

  4. Ritual Master

    The Warriors Path. For Lightworkers who are called to stamp out darkness. First, you conquer yourself… This is a high-level service to the world. Join the elite Knight Templar

  5. Guide

    Guide others to walk the path. The ultimate service to humanity.

As well as these important steps, Modern Mystery School also offers Universal Kabbalah and Galactic Activation and many other classes to assist you on your journey.

The first two steps are now available in Australia! Yayyy!!

Otherwise, you can fly to Toronto, London, Cape Town or the USA… but that’s a long way!

Better that you call me for a chat about how this path can work in your life.

I look forward to hearing from you,

For links:
- Life Activation with Cassandra
- Empower Thyself with Cassandra

With love,

Cassandra is an initiated Ritual Master, Teacher, Life Activation Practitioner, and practicing Universal Kabbalist in the Lineage of King Salomon with Modern Mystery School - Located in Hobart, Australia.

Contact her today for a free consultation;


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